Fpp Putrajaya Bersalin 2017

Salah seorang daripadanya dr.
Fpp putrajaya bersalin 2017. Booking appointment dulu pun boleh juga tapi untuk pegi appointment pakar fpp mesti kena ada buku maternity checkup. Hi seperti dijanjikan ramai sgt tanya pengalaman bersalin full paying patient fpp di putrajaya. 1 orang doktor perempuan iaitu dr. The first time i took this service was when i was pregnant with my firstborn eidrix which was in 2016.
Ada 3 orang doktor pakar yang boleh dipilih untuk urusan bersalin di hospital putrajaya. This was my second time taking fpp full paying patient service at putrajaya hospital. All fpp patients shall be charged for each treatment provided or procedure. Bersalin di fpp putrajaya.
All fpp patients shall be charged for each treat ment provided or procedure performed by the specialists at a very competitive price. So drg bleh masuk masa nak bersalin nnt. I bersalin 7 3 15 hospital putrajaya i mmg takde niat lain time buat entry ni i cume nk share xperience moga bermanfaat utk readers kat luar if search psl fpp hospital putrajaya coz i pun mcm u olls gigih menggoggle psl ni so far yg byk i jmpe review tahun 2012 kot 2014 takde lg so nah i bg review tahun 2015 latest punye nah keyword fpp. Dalam kesempatan ini kami berjaya mendapatkan puan hidayu baharuddin untuk berkongsi pengalaman beliau yang bersalin di fpp hospital putrajaya pada januari 2018 yang lalu.
Lain lain info on fpp putrajaya bleh refer sini. We came about it when we were figuring out if we wanted to go private or just to a government hospital. Via full paying patient fpp service which was introduced in 2007 a patient may receive treatment from a specialist of his choice and enjoy additional facilities subject to availability of existing resources field of specialty and services in hospital putrajaya. 17 may 1983.
Walaupun telah agak lama diperkenalkan namun mungkin ramai yang inginkan lebih banyak maklumat lanjut tentang skim rawatan fpp ini. Antara requirement nak bersalin secara fpp. The hospital policy including visiting hours re striction on ward visit by children aged 12 years. Just call hospital putrajaya at 03 83124200 state that you re want to make an appointment as an fpp patient for delivery they will set an appointment for you with the specialist of your choice.
Tapi if boleh tanak bersalin jauh2. Hoho january 5 2012 at 8. Ikut pengalaman adik moon siap dgn macik2 me lagi duk dlm bilik bersalin tu. Nak kat sabah jep sebab nnt ramai bleh teman dalam bilik bersalin.
3 8 2017 12 09 16 pm. Fpp putrajaya is pretty packed nowadays it was nothing like back then so once you have decided this is the hospital you want to be make an appointment asap. Ma and pa kite nurse. Jom ikuti perkongsian beliau selengkapnya di bawah ini.
If nnt bersalin kat semenanjung ada orang suggest g hosp sg.